Friday, January 29, 2021

How to Make Home Remedies for Dog Ear Infection

Another common reason for dogs to get ear infections is foreign objects or mites. Whenever something is introduced into your dog’s ear, it might cause an infection. I’ve pulled together some natural dog ear infection home remedies but don’t skimp on vet costs if your pup seems to be in pain or a serious infection has developed.

Any dog can get ear infections, but they’re more common in floppy eared dogs. These dogs’ ears create a cozy environment for bacteria. Some dogs like Poodles get them because dense hair traps moisture in the ear canal. Cocker Spaniels have more secretory glands than other dogs. And ear conformation in breeds like Shar-peis is also a factor.

Dog Safe Houseplants for Pet Owners

All of these ingredients should be available at a pharmacy. The Gentian Violet Solution is an anti-infection agent. The solution appears to work well on any and all ear problems from mites to wax to canker. After the second or third you can clean out the ear with a Q-tip or cotton balls. Those who do not succeed have usually not done the treatment long enough or have not been regular about it. The other two types of canine ear infections involve the middle ear or, most seriously, the inner ear.

dog ear home remedy recipe

A few drops of one of the natural treatments can make the difference between a clean ear that develops another infection or an ear that stays healthy. There are a variety of ways you can clean your dog’s ear to treat or prevent infection. You can also follow this treatment with coconut oil or another moisturizing remedy to counteract the drying properties of witch hazel. While it can be very effective at getting rid of the things that are causing your dog’s ear infection, it doesn’t discriminate. After you’ve diluted your hydrogen peroxide, you’ll want to use a bulb ear syringe to flush your dog’s ear with the solution to dislodge any debris. One of the natural remedies discussed later in this article, witch hazel, has properties that help dry out the ear canal.

Gentian Violet Solution 1%

If the symptoms get worse, you will need to seek veterinary help immediately. Instead, try using just 5-10 drops of witch hazel in your dog’s ear to dry it out enough to prevent infection. No matter how you decide to approach treating your dog’s ear infection, it’s important that it is treated. In addition to physical causes of ear infections, dogs can develop chronic ear infections due to a more systemic problem, too.

dog ear home remedy recipe

It may potentially fight off some bacteria, which reduces the chance of ear infections. As mentioned above, homemade dog ear cleaners are only applicable for dogs with healthy ears. Spray a mixture of equal parts apple cider vinegar and distilled water into the ear. Vinegar can fight bacterial and fungal invaders and soothe swelling. The acid may ease any pain that your dog is experiencing. An alternative to vinegar is witch hazel, which itself has anti-inflammatory properties.

More Home Ear Care Recipes

Any debris left in the ear can end up down in the ear canal and potentially cause infection. Seeing your dog in pain can be an unsettling experience. So, it’s always good to know how you can prevent your dog from getting an ear infection. A deep inner ear infection may have some of the same symptoms as a middle ear infection, plus a loss of balance.

dog ear home remedy recipe

To reduce all these nasty processes that can also put your dog at risk for chronic ear infections, you need to completely eliminate the allergen from your dog's diet. The ear has its own little microbiome that can be thrown out of whack quite easily. For these reasons, treating the ear itself isn't always the best approach. If you can instead treat only the root cause, minor ear infections will clear up on their own. If your dog deals with chronic ear infections, the problem likely does not lie in its ears.

Soak a cotton ball in a half-vinegar, half-water solution and place it just inside your dog's ear canal. Repeat until the cotton ball comes out relatively clean. Once the gunk has been removed, the other treatments on this list will be more effective. Another common cause of ear infections in dogs is ear mites.

dog ear home remedy recipe

Before you go cooking up this DIY ear cleaning recipe , you’ll want a clean bill of ear health from your vet. Only after getting the veterinary green light should you start a DIY ear-cleaning regimen. You should always consult with your vet before initiating an ear-cleaning regimen, as some treatments can make existing infections or injuries worse. To make this home remedy, combine 5 or 6 drops of oil of mullein with oil of garlic. Apply topically, you can use a cotton ball to the ear two or three times a day for several days in a row to see results.

Natural at Home Remedies for Ear Mites in Dogs of 2022

Fluids and oil that fester in the ear canal create a moist environment perfect for bacterial and fungal growth. If your dog lives in a humid climate, or you don’t dry their ears well after swimming or bathing, the excess moisture can lead to a bacteria or yeast overgrowth. Mite infestations – This issue occurs when Otodectes cynotis, a parasitic mite, set up shop in your dog’s ears. These pesky creatures feed on the wax and oil in the ear. Although these mites don’t bite, they cause extreme itchiness. This irritation can cause your dog to scratch excessively, exacerbating the issue.

They’re good general ear remedies that can work for ear mites too. Vaccines, antibiotics and other medications, and chemical pest preventives all harm your dog’s gut health and disrupt her immune system. Make sure you only give the vaccines your dog really needs to protect her. Use natural alternatives to antibiotics and other medications when you can, and use natural pest prevention to keep the bugs off your dog.

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